Saturday, December 29, 2007

ok,,, now i'm stuck

I've moved all of our stuff over into the house. We are living in the bottom of it. But my brother's stuff is stuff is still in the upstairs. He keeps saying he'll be over to get it. But it's been over a week. I will have to clean the carpets upstairs, and move our bedroom furniture. I'm so antsy, I'm trying to be patient. Trying being the operative word. I need more grace or something. I've tried tactfully saying I would help. And nothing. So, I'll be over in the corner, moving the same boxes around and around.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Breathe in.... Breathe out...

Have you every finally accomplished something, and sigh with relief. One of those full body sigh. We are moved people.finally. We still have boxes everywhere, and there is still a couple of rooms that have to be cleared out before we can get things completely accomplished. But we are here. It's such a relief to have my own house.
Let me recap for all the many readers ( yeah right, so indulge me ) who may not understand.
Almost two years ago my parents decided that it was time to build their dream. A log cabin just for them. So, they started out and offered me my childhood home. Unfortunately, the men they hire to build their cabin, were idiots and cons. I began living with my sister, no don't get me wrong, my sister and I get along famously,but after a year and a half it was time to get out.
Now begins the rearranging and organizing and setting up of my very own house. I feel so grown up LOL.

In other news, I cause quite a stir by getting my girls hair cut. Hopefully, soon pictures will follow.
OOOOH and Happy Belated Christmas. and LET THE NEW YEAR BEGIN!!!