Sunday, May 25, 2008


So, there has been a lot of stress at the compound. Have you ever wanted to just do the primal scream thing and then spill out all your feelings and there is no one to do it to. yeah, that's where i'm at. Lets see. There's been a suicide, a pastor resign, a crisis of faith, yeah that's just a start and the suicide doesn't have to do with the pastor resigning. I know better than putting my faith in men, in mankind in general. But a pastor of 17 years, i'm just tired, weary, put off.

Monday, May 05, 2008

I wish you had a scratch and sniff screen

In my world there is one sure sign that it's spring. The lilacs start blooming. The ones in our yard have been there most of my life. I call them Heritage Lilacs. They smell soo good. We also have blooming plum trees. I was impressed by God's nature, this plum tree had been broken almost completely in half and yet even from the bruised and battered tree it still bloomed beautifully. Ok so you preachers, who don't read this blog there is sooo totally a message in that. I thought the pictures turned out well.
In other news I got a job. Thank the good Lord. I'm in prison. No really. I'm working at a prison in the mail room. I really like the job. I like the people I'm working with and the job keeps me busy the entire day, so much so i want to work over. But that is not an option there, when it's 3:30 pm they are all gooonne. It's close to home too. So I am very thankful. I went inside the prison it self today. It was no big deal. Don't get me wrong I respect the fact that these men are in there for a reason, but i'm not scared. I told one of the men my first name, i think that was a no no. The women that work there don't want them to know there first name. (shrugs) i think its kinda silly for grown men to call me Miss JerriAnn. That's what the kids in daycare used to call me or Miss Colvin. They are grown men for pete's sake.
So that all the news that is the news. Come back again for the next installment of As my world turns.