Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Santa may skip our house next year...LOL

No worries, it was just a cheap Santa hat. I was
Trying to get the boys to put it on their heads so i could get some pics. Baxter of course had other ideas
He decided to eat it.
"What?? he came into my house.'

"Aww come on,,, just a little nibble"
He is so funny. You got to love a big dummy. Bless his heart. Things around here are always fun. I've been thinking about the New year. I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions. I've tried to have life resolutions. I began when i was almost 30. I have always been a people pleaser I hated it. I decide that I had lived my life for others for 30 years, and now it was my turn. This life resolution, worked for the most part. I told my husband that it was time to ship up or ship out. He choose to ship out, well, kinda i kicked him out. Now i have 2 beautiful daughters that drive me insane. Now, i need to keep going, the girls, and lack of sleep tend to slow me down. I want to be creative. I want to write, draw, to be me. I just looked into schooling. I would like to be a massage therapist. Sooo, we'll see how far i get this year..
I miss telling bible stories. You see, for years and years i was a children's church worker, director. I love telling stories. Most people don't relize that the bible is full of great stories. Every kind of type and size. I think i will try at least once month type up a story. Just for my own enjoyment. Maybe you will get some too.
Stop me if i bore you.