Monday, September 17, 2007

Well, A lot of help that did me.

When i was at the employment office i saw a flyer stating that if you lost your job through no fault of your own, you may qualify for state paid job training. So, i thought heyyy.. that's me. I've always wanted to be a massage theropist, acupunture, you know that type. So, i get up and drag me and my 23 month old to the office this morning to check into it. yeah, that was no help. She basicly told me there was no way that she would recemend me for the massage theropist. It doesn't work for this area. But if i want to pick something else and do the research to see if it is in demand for the area, she'd consider it. All i was wondering is what was her job supose to be. So, i guess i'm back to the want ads. It's annoying. I'm probably going to have to go to another temp to hire angency. We'll see.
My daughters are rotten as ever. I got them both down for a nap. Hannah went down pretty quick but i've been hearing Phoebe Jo calling. "Mamma, Maammmaa let me out. Hush... mama
amamama, " my sunshine. She's singing something in there now. When she finally goes down it should be for awhile. Here's hoping lol

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I guess it leaves more time for blogging

You'll never guess what i was doing yesterday morning. Give up??? Signing up for unemployment. Yes, I am not in the ranks of the unemployed. Which sucks in some ways. Recently the company I was a "administrative assitant " to (read... I answered the phones and did all the jobs no one else would do) was bought out by a bigger company. We knew that there would be cut backs, especially in the office. Well, I was one of the cut backs. They let me go on a Tuesday... right in the middle of boxing up files from the last few years of the company. So, I got myself up early the next day and went down to the unemployment office. In a lot of ways this is a good thing. I really was driving too far (almost a 100 miles round trip) for only 35 hours a week. But I worked there for almost 3 years. What a coinscience, the anniversery of mine was Sept. 20th. YEah right. So, I get to spend sometime with my little darlings. I also saw a flyer at the unemployment office, about getting paid training by the state? I'm pretty sure I qualify for. SO, maybe just maybe i'll be able to go back to school on the state. I've always wanted to be a massage theropist. But untill Monday when I go see about it, everythings up in the air. Now pass me the remote, and lets have fun with the girls. I guess it leaves me more time to blog.