Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Program Pieces

In my family I am the researcher. I like to get online and search for different things. So again this year my mom asked me to get on line and search for program pieces. I grew up in a conservative household, and we went to church and were involved in church. So, at Christmas and Easter you had pieces to memorize. Depending on your age and your personality. As I got older it was also songs to sing. It just went with the territory. Now my children are in church, the same one I grew up in, and we are looking for pieces. I didn't realize how hard it is to find them anymore. Maybe you have to buy the books, but a lot of stuff has gone to pre-recorded cd's. Which I can understand for the convenience but it's just not the same. There are a few good resources on line for children's church, but none for simple pieces. Am I that out of date? I like the idea of free resources for children's church too, because I've run several children's ministries on less than a dime. Maybe I should design a website for such a thing. Children's church on less than nothing. what do you think?

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I say, Go for It!