Friday, July 22, 2005

Highly Trained Medical team, yeah right !

A couple of days before I had to go back to get my copioscipy, I start feeling really crappy. Pain in my lower stomach, in my lower back, food not even close to interesting. So, I go in to the doc. The nice lady at the front window informs me that my Medicaid hasn't gone through yet so, it will cost me $200, $100 up front. I have $10 to my name. Well, that's not going to work. So, I head back up to the Mother-child clinic. I tell the receptionist, I don't care about the test, something is wrong I'm sick, I need to see some kind of doctor, what are my options. She is peeved that they wouldn't take me. So she calls back down there while I'm sitting listlessly on the chair. They tell her to take my temp, urine test, and blood pressure and call them back. So, here were the results. Temp. About 100.6, blood pressure low, and urine test shows I'm burning muscle mass? WHat? I've lost 5lbs in a week. The nurse asks if I'm crash dieting. I laugh, I gave up dieting when I was 24. So, she looks at me and tells me I don't look like I feel good at all. You think? Ms. Obvious? She calls back to the docs. I have yet to see one. They admit me to the hospital, for observation, first they say for a couple of hours, which in an hour turns out to be a couple of days. In reality, I was in the hospital for a week!
Number of Holes in my arms ( I have the worst veins,) 16, the first seven was from the first three nurses trying to get an IV in me. The others from the many, many blood test. One day, they took blood from me 5 times.
Number of ultra sounds 2. Second one showed I have Gal-stones, or a bad Galbladder.
Number of Hours spent in an MRI machine, One and a freaking half. it was pure torture, my back was killing me.
Number of antibiotics, 3, one of which was penicillin, which I told them I was allergic to, they said when I broke out they'd stop, I broke out 3 days later, now I have a full body rash of hives. Benadril is my new best friend.
Number of days away from my daughter, 7.
Results-- I have Gal-stones, they think .... Think I had a virus on top of it but they aren't sure.
My daughter is fine, which I am thankful for. I have another ultrasound picture of her. So, much for an easy pregnacy.
Anybody got a back scratcher. Highly trained, my rashed out asss!

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