Sunday, January 15, 2006

My ABC's

I saw this over on Nino's blog and thought it was cute. So, i decided to do my own ABC's

A is for Age:
I am thirty-three, i will be thirty-four on Groundhog's day

B is for Booze of choice:
I don't drink. I don't have any thing against it just don't understand.. if something i know would make me sick, i just don't do it.

C is for Career:
I work as a receptionist now. I would love to stay at home with my girls. I would also love to have a used book store/coffee/computer bar

D is for Dog's name:
Pierre What? he is a chocolate french poodle what would you expect

E is for essintial items you use everyday:
Deodorant(Ladyspeed stick, i'm allergic to any other, rash on the pit not fun) Perfume... Soft musk from avon

F is for Favorite song:
At the moment my daughter is insisting we listen to this tape in the car. It's a "Psalmty" tape which is a christian kids tape. it has a chorus called "I love you Lord" it's beautiful.

G is for favorite game:
yahoo's JT's Blocks my fave

H is for Home Town
Straughn, Indiana

I is for instruments you play"
You mean besides my nose??? lol none would love to play the acostic guitar

J is for jam you like
Nothing better than homemade Apple butter

K is for Kids
Two Hannah Jeannette is 2 and Phoebe JoAnne is 2 months (and yes i am tired)

L is for last kiss
Hannah banana just crawled up in my lap and said "I love you mommy" and gave me a kiss
ok everyone together now AWWWWW!!!

M is for Most admired trait
My tolerance of other peoples faults

N is for name of your crush
Tommy my love and father of Phoebe JoAnne

O is for overnight hospital stays:
Lets see, when is was 15 i was in traction for a month with a broken arm, When Hannah was born, Last june when i was in for a week for something, Then when Phoebe was born

P is for Phobias:
Falling down backwards

Q is for quotes i like
"Life is just a chair of bowlies" "that's just funny.. i don't care who you are"

R is for biggest regret
Not living my life for myself untill i was 30

S is for sweets of choice:
Dove chocolates

T is for time you wake up:
You mean i get to sleep... hummm usually sometime around 5am zzzzzzzzzzzz

U is for underwear:
Bikini briefs

V is for veggie you like:
ummm, baby carrots. if i have an upset stomach they settle it

W is for worst Habbit:

X is for X-Rays you've had:
umm, arm, dental, and when i was in the hospital in june,the whole thing they were trying to find out what was wrong with me

Y is for yummy food you make:
According to my family... chocolate chip cookies, and chicken salad

Z is for Zodiac sign

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