Sunday, April 03, 2005

Two Red Lines

This weekend i saw the dreaded two red lines. It probably should be illegal to publish this on a bloc and not tell my family. But since this is my outlet, and i out about them a lot, they don't know i have a bloc. Ok, take a deep breathe, I am pregnant. This may seem kind of silly to someone else, but i was married for seven years and tried all seven to get pregnant, and nothing. I did not go though all the things that a lot of women do, my husband was not willing to even get himself checked out. Then, two weeks after i check my husband out, i find out that i'm not only prenant but 4 months prenant. Five months later, i get my beautiful gift from God, my Hannah. So, this one not quite 2 years later is another shock. Don't get me wrong, i still believe that this child is a gift. Sometimes i wonder if it's a gag gift, just joking. For years, i pray and cried for a child. And God laughed.....

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Congratulations! How are you feeling???