Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Guess who's got her glasses?

We went to Doc Wiener's on Saturday and got Hannah banana's glasses, she looks so much older. That I'm not liking. She is doing really well with them. She leaves them on most of the time. The only trouble I've had with her is when we are riding in the car and she is bored. She wants to put them on top of her head like sunglasses. I had to take her to get them adjusted, she was looking over them. Poor baby, she's only got a little button of a nose, not much to hang glasses on. I have a picture of her but she is making a funny face. I'll post it and then hopefully get a couple of a better one from the 14 gazzillion, my mom and brother took. Bill (my brother) was so funny. He had her take a picture of everyone, that had glasses. He even got his own glasses out and put them on for a picture with her. Funny, I didn't know he had glasses.

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